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8b - Configure Leaf with IISΒΆ


The following IIS guide assumes you are using a combined web & app single server to both host the Leaf API and handle user traffic.

On the web/app server:

  1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle
  2. Install IIS URL Rewrite
  3. Install Shibboleth Service Provider 3

    Be sure to check Configure IIS7 Module box during installation.

  4. Create an Application pool to run the site and API.

  5. Create a service account for IIS to run the application as.


    In this walkthrough we use sv_uw_leaf_service but use whatever naming convention is appropriate for your environment

  6. Add Write permissions for the service account to your logging directory (where the SERILOG_DIR environment variable is pointing to; this example uses F:\leaf)


    This step is critical, as if IIS is unable to write log activity, you'll also be unable to understand errors or other issues the API encounters!

  7. In the new Application Pool's Advanced Settings, set

    • Identity to the service account created in (6)
    • Load User Profile to True

  8. Create the website to host the Leaf browser application.

  9. Create an application behind the site to host the API.

    Do NOT name the API application 'api', as this will cause the rewrite rule to apply recursively until the request fails. At UW we name the backing application 'leafapi'

  10. In the Configuration Editor, under Section: system.webServer/aspNetCore set

    • arguments -> .\API.dll
    • processPath -> dotnet

  11. Create a URL rewrite rule on the site with the following template.

    Be sure the Append query string box is checked. If not, API calls for Concept search will fail

    Your web.config should now look like this:

                <rule name="add {applicationName}">
                    <match url="^(api/.*)" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{applicationName}/{R:0}" appendQueryString="true" logRewrittenUrl="true" />
  12. If the WebDAV module is installed in your IIS instance, you need to either uninstall it or disable it for this site. It inteferes with PUT/DELETE HTTP verbs.

        <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
            <remove name="WebDAVModule" />
  13. If you have not yet created the environment variables for IIS (as described in Step 7 - Set Environment Variables), do so now.


Before moving on, we strongly recommend checking that the Leaf API starts appropriately and can log correctly. If you skip ahead and check the Leaf client and get an error, the error may simply be symptomatic of the API not running. To check the API, start the Application Pool, then:

Confirm that you can see an output log file in your SERILOG_DIR directory - If so, the first line should read something like {"Timestamp":"...", "Level":"Information","MessageTemplate":"Starting Leaf's API v{Version}..."

If no log files appear:

  1. Make absolutely sure your service account is running in IIS and has permissions to write to the SERILOG_DIR directory.
  2. Check the Windows Event Viewer application for possible errors:

If log files appear but show an error such as SqlException...

  1. Check that the values in your LEAF_APP_DB environment variable connection string are correct, such as username and password.
  2. Check that your service account has appropriate privileges to your app database.

Next: Step 9 - Configure Authentication with SAML2