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Extracting Data for a Cohort: Datasets

At a high level, Leaf aims to do two things:

  1. Identify cohorts of patients (using Concepts).
  2. Extract data for those patients.

After users identify a Cohort in (1), they can next do (2), which we'll explain here. In Leaf, extracted data for a cohort are called "datasets", which is short-hand for Patient List Datasets. This refers to the row-level patient data you can see on the Patient List screen.

Datasets can based on either:

  1. SQL statements which output dynamic columns unique to your data. Or,
  2. SQL statements which output templated columns representating of FHIR resources.

We recommend using templated FHIR Datasets (2) only if you are federating your Leaf instance with other institutions, as FHIR templates allow Leaf instances to all return predictable row-level data.

In all other cases, we recommend using dynamic datasets (1), as they offer flexible, easy configurability.

Basic Demographics

The core dataset Leaf uses is Basic Demographics. The output of this query is used to both populate the initial Patient List screen, as well as populate the bar charts on the Visualize screen.

The fields in Basic Demographics represent a denormalized combination of the FHIR Person and Patient resources.

The expected columns are:

Name Type
personId nvarchar
addressPostalCode nvarchar
addressState nvarchar
birthDate datetime
deceasedDateTime datetime
ethnicity nvarchar
gender nvarchar
deceasedBoolean bit
hispanicBoolean bit
marriedBoolean bit
language nvarchar
maritalStatus nvarchar
mrn nvarchar
name nvarchar
race nvarchar
religion nvarchar

Key Points

All columns in Basic Demongraphics are required

Leaf will automatically date-shift, calculate ages, and remove the HIPAA identified columns (mrn and name) depending on if the user is in Identified or De-identified mode

The Patient Identifier column must be called personId

While Leaf Concepts are flexible regarding the column name for patient identifiers, Datasets are more restrictive and require a predictable, specific column name. This ensures alignment of Leaf Datasets when multiple Leaf instances are federated, among other reasons

It's OK if you don't have data for every column

Though every column must be returned in the SQL statement, it's fine to hard-code it as NULL or 'Unknown', etc. For example, religion = NULL

The isDeceased, isHispanic, and isMarried bit/boolean columns are used in the bar charts on the Visualize screen

These are needed because Leaf does not enforce specific values for the ethnicity or maritalStatus columns (so you have flexiblity in showing your data as it is), but in return you need to define these true/false columns yourself. For example, hispanicBoolean = CAST(CASE ethnicity WHEN 'Hispanic or Latino' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT)

Values in gender must be F, Female, M, or Male

This allows them to be predictably aggregated in bar charts (case insensitive)

Defining the Basic Demographics Query

Basic Demographics and other datasets can be added using the Admin page within Leaf.

  1. Define a query in SQL that returns the columns defined above. Make sure each column returns the expected type as well.

  2. In Leaf, go to Admin -> Datasets. If you haven't created a Basic Demographics dataset yet, Leaf will suggest you create one. Click to do so.

  3. Copy/paste or type out your SQL statement. Make sure the green arrows on the left light up to confirm you're returning all expected columns.


You don't need to do anything special to find a particular cohort of patients; just make a plain SQL statement to find any cohort. Leaf will automatically wrap your SQL in a Common Table Expression and filter it to relevant patients for you.

Using OMOP? Try this Basic Demographics SQL query as a starting point:

    personId          = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),P.person_id)
  , addressPostalCode =
  , addressState      = L.[state]
  , birthDate         = P.birth_datetime
  , deceasedDateTime  = D.death_datetime
  , ethnicity         = c_ethnicity.concept_name
  , gender            = c_gender.concept_name
  , deceasedBoolean   = CONVERT(BIT, CASE WHEN D.person_id IS NULL THEN 1 
                                     ELSE 0 END)
  , hispanicBoolean   = CONVERT(BIT, CASE WHEN c_ethnicity.concept_name = 'Hispanic or Latino' THEN 1 
                                     ELSE 0 END)
  , marriedBoolean    = CONVERT(BIT, 0)           /* Assumed not available */
  , language          = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),NULL) /* Assumed not available */
  , maritalStatus     = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),NULL) /* Assumed not available */
  , mrn               = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),NULL) /* Assumed not available */
  , name              = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),NULL) /* Assumed not available */
  , religion          = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),NULL) /* Assumed not available */
  , race              = c_race.concept_name
FROM dbo.person AS P
    LEFT JOIN dbo.concept AS c_gender
        ON P.gender_concept_id = c_gender.concept_id
    LEFT JOIN dbo.concept AS c_race
        ON P.race_concept_id = c_race.concept_id
    LEFT JOIN dbo.concept AS c_ethnicity
        ON p.ethnicity_concept_id = c_ethnicity.concept_id
    LEFT JOIN dbo.[location] AS L
        ON P.location_id = L.location_id
    LEFT JOIN dbo.death AS D
        ON P.person_id = D.person_id

Adding New Datasets

If you've successfully added the Basic Demographics dataset and can see data returned in the Patient List screen in the Leaf user interface, you're off to a great start. Inevitably though you'll likely want to allow users to add more datasets beyond demographics.

Let's start with an example. In this case, we'll add a Platelet dataset which will represent platelet count laboratory tests.

Determine the Template and Query

First, we need to decide whether we're using a Dataset template or dynamic query. For templates, in FHIR labs are generally represented as Observations. However as we recommend using Dynamic datasets unless federating with other Leaf instances, we'll use a dynamic dataset here here.

For demonstrative purposes we'll use data from the MIMIC Critical Care Database, but the methods here can be applied to other data models as well.

Let's suppose we have a SQL table or view representing labs (including platelets) called dbo.v_LABEVENTS that looks like this in our SQL database:

1 100 Platelet Count 777-3 2101-10-04 301 301 K/uL
1 200 Platelet Count 777-3 2101-02-10 192 192 K/uL
2 300 Platelet Count 777-3 2101-12-22 533 533 K/uL

Our SQL statement to pull this data in Leaf may therefore look like (changing the column names a bit to make the meaning more clear to users)

    personId      = CAST(SUBJECT_ID AS NVARCHAR(10))
  , encounterId   = CAST(HADM_ID AS NVARCHAR(10))
  , category      = 'lab'
  , code          = LOINC_CODE
  , effectiveDate = CHARTTIME
  , valueString   = VALUE
  , valueQuantity = VALUENUM
  , valueUnit     = VALUEUOM
WHERE LABEL = 'Platelet Count'

Which would output:

personId encounterId category code effectiveDate valueString valueQuantity valueUnit
1 100 lab 777-3 2101-10-04 301 301 K/uL
1 200 lab 777-3 2101-02-10 192 192 K/uL
2 300 lab 777-3 2101-12-22 533 533 K/uL

Insert the dataset

Next, we'll add out dataset using the Admin -> Datasets screen.

  1. As we did with Basic Demographics, we'll first define a query in SQL that returns the columns defined above.

  2. In Leaf, go to Admin -> Datasets. Click create a new one on the right to add a Dataset.

  3. Set the Name as "Platelet Count".

  4. Create a new Category, "Labs", and use that as the Category.

  5. Set the Dataset Template as "Dynamic".

  6. Copy/paste or type out your SQL statement.

  7. Under Expected Columns, Leaf will do it's best to guess the types of your columns based on their names. Validate that the column types match those in the SQL database, and check Deidentify for any columns you'd like users not to view if in de-identified mode.

  8. Under Dynamic Properties, set the Date Column as "effectiveDate", String Value Column as "valueString", and Numeric Value Column as "valueQuantity". Leaf will use these columns when computing statistics and generating a sparkline for the Dataset.


Finally, let's test to see if the dataset works. In the Leaf client app, run a query for a cohort which you know to have platelet lab values. In the Patient List, select the new dataset.

If you run into errors, be sure to check the Leaf logs

If you're able to navigate to the Patient List and add the new dataset, congratulations!

Leaf automatically determines that this is a numeric dataset because the valueQuantity field is populated, and computes statistics for each patient. Pretty cool, eh?